Our office accepts the following methods of payment: Cash, Check, Money Order, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Card, and Debit Card.

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We charge a fixed rate for Estate Planning.

Estate Planning Preparation Fees:

All other work is typically done on an hourly rate. As the attorney works, he tracks his time and sends you a bill for the time spent on the case. Usually, “a retainer” or an advance on the fees is paid. For example, you paid 1,200 dollar retainer for 4 hours of anticipated work (at 300.00 per hour).  Expenses incurred during your case are also added to your bill such as filing fees and witness fees.

We want you to fully understand the fees being charged for your estate plan. If you have any questions about fees, please do not hesitate to ask the estate planning attorneys at Krupp Law Offices PC.  Krupp Law Offices P.C. represents clients throughout Michigan,

Call for a free phone consultation.  Our office can help.

161 Ottawa NW Suite 404
Grand Rapids MI 49503
616-459-6636 or [email protected]